Cancellation Policy

Rezotels Booking Flexible Cancellation

The Rezotels Booking Flexible cancellation policy is the most lenient option for guests. In this policy, guests are eligible for a full refund when canceling a reservation at least 24 hours before check-in (local time of the property). Rezotels Booking will also lose out on the Service fee.

If the guest cancels a reservation less than 24 hours before check-in, they will still need to pay for one night they stay, and 1 additional night. 

If the guest decides to cancel his/her stay after arriving, he/she is eligible for a full refund for any remaining nights of the reservation if the property permits.

Important Note:
Free cancellation 24 hrs. before arrival except the below dates:



Free Cancellation

Arab Health

Jan 30th, till Feb 2nd, 2023

3 days before The Check-In

Gulf Food

Feb 20th, - 24th, 2023

3 days before The Check-In

Eid Al-Fitr

April 20th, - 23rd, 2023

3 days before The Check-In


May 1st, - 4th, 2023

3 days before The Check-In

Eid Al-Adha

June 28th, - 30th, 2023

3 days before The Check-In


October 16th, - 20th, 2023

3 days before The Check-In

National Day

December 1st, - 3rd, 2023

2 days before The Check-In

New Year

29th December 2023 until 01st January 2024

7 days before The Check-In

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